The reported autofocusing ability of a ring Airyprime beam array reaches up to 8632.40, while the strongest autofocusing ability of a circular Airyprime beam (CAPB) is only 1822.49. How can the autofocusing ability of a single beam reach the autofocusing ability of a beam array? To achieve this goal, a circularly transformed Airyprime beam (CTAPB) is introduced by following two steps. First, a circular equation transformation on the two transverse coordinates in the electric field expression of a propagating Airyprime beam is performed. Then, the electric field expression of a propagating Airyprime beam is integrated over the angle. The intensity profile of a CTAPB on the initial plane changes significantly with varying the primary ring radius r0. With increasing r0, therefore, the autofocusing ability of a CTAPB undergoes a process of first increasing and then decreasing, while the focal length always increases. A CTAPB exhibits more powerful autofocusing ability than a CAPB. The maximum autofocusing ability of a CTAPB can reach up to 8634.76, which is 4.74 times that of a CAPB, while the corresponding focal length is 95.11% of a CAPB. A CTAPB on the initial plane can be approximately characterized by a ring Airyprime beam array with sufficient number of Airyprime beams. Due to the better symmetry, a CTAPB has a slightly stronger autofocusing ability than a ring Airyprime beam array and almost the same focal length as a ring Airyprime beam array. The CTAPB is also experimentally generated, and the experimental results indicate that the CTAPB has powerful autofocusing ability. As a replacement of a CAPB and a ring Airyprime beam array, this introduced CTAPB can be applied to the scenes which involve abruptly autofocusing effect.
Open Access
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