Abstract: “Increasing the depth of field (DOF) is a crucial issue for imaging through scattering media. In this paper, an improved genetic algorithm is used to modulate the wavefront of light through scattering media, by which high-quality refocusing and imaging through scattering media are achieved. Then, the DOF of the imaging system is effectively extended by further modulating the refocused beam into a non-diffraction beam. Two kinds of non-diffraction beams, i.e., a Bessel beam and Airy beam, were produced as a demonstration. The experimental results show that compared to the Gaussian beam, the DOF of the imaging system by combining the wavefront shaping and non-diffraction Bessel beam or Airy beam can be improved by a factor of 1.1 or 1.5, respectively. The proposed method is helpful for the technical development of high-quality imaging through scattering media with a large DOF.”
Open Access
Publication: Photonics
Issue/Year: Photonics, Volume 10; Number 5; Pages 497; 2023