“The high development of numerical image and signal processing techniques, may lead to the replacement of conventional photosensitive media used in holography by CCD sensors: hence, to the field of digital holography. The hologram is saved in the host memory of a computer and can be reconstructed on the same place or elsewhere in a numerical manner. The development of liquid crystal displays (LCD) directly addressed by computer permits to think of opto-digital holography. The observation of the reconstructed image at a limited distance is possible when using adequate optical components, which makes not only the possibility to observe the image at a defined distance but also to control its magnification (opto-digital holographic microscopy). Since it is possible to control all experimental steps by adequate software, it is then possible to make real time opto-digital holographic microscopy. In this work, we show the experimental set-up and the obtained results, showing that this technique can be used to study different kinds of materials, connected to different conventional microscopes and to make holographic interferometry.”
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