“Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is the only remote sensing technology that can provide high resolution images in adverse weather conditions and in day or night times. It is thus is a powerful tool for Earth monitoring. Certain applications, such as disaster relief, military reconnaissance and ice-flow and ship monitoring require a continuous flow of high-resolution images covering large areas; however, given the large amount of complex data generated and system limitations of data bandwidth and processing speed, not all the requirements can be met at the same time. In addition, multiple user requests are often submitted to the SAR system platform, and not all can be addressed, again due to limitations of area coverage. Increasing the speed of SAR processors and processing on-board are two ways to improve the SAR data throughput and therefore to meet the operational needs of all users. This paper discusses an optronic SAR processor capable of rapidly processing full-scene multi-looked images. Details of the processor design and image results are discussed. Estimations for speed and image throughput are provided, all presented in the context of the requirements for operational service of the various applications.”
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