Towards non-blind optical tweezing by finding 3D refractive index changes through off-focus interferometric tracking
PLUTO / PLUTO-2Spatial Light Modulators
MicroscopyOptical Trapping /-Tweezers
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Authors: Landenberger, Benjamin; Yatish & Rohrbach, Alexander
Abstract: “In modern 3D microscopy, holding and orienting arbitrary biological objects with optical forces instead of using coverslips and gel cylinders is still a vision. Although optical trapping forces are strong enough and related photodamage is acceptable, the precise (re-) orientation of large specimen with multiple optical traps is difficult, since they grab blindly at the object and often slip off. Here, we present an approach to localize and track regions with increased refractive index using several holographic optical traps with a single camera in an off-focus position. We estimate the 3D grabbing positions around several trapping foci in parallel through analysis of the beam deformations, which are continuously measured by defocused camera images of cellular structures inside cell clusters. Although non-blind optical trapping is still a vision, this is an important step towards fully computer-controlled orientation and feature-optimized laser scanning of sub-mm sized biological specimen for future 3D light microscopy.”
Open Access
Publication: Nature Communications
Issue/Year: Nature Communications, Volume 12; Number 1; 2021
Authors: Sebastian Cremaschini Sebastian Cremaschini Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “G. Galilei”, Università di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy More by Sebastian Cremaschini Orcid , Alberto Cattelan, Davide Ferraro, Daniele Filippi, Filippo Marinello, Alessio Meggiolaro, Matteo Pierno, Cinzia Sada, Annamaria Zaltron*, Paolo Umari*, and Giampaolo Mistura
Trifurcated Splitting of Water Droplets on Engineered Lithium Niobate Surfaces