“We propose a novel schlieren imaging method by projecting a random dot pattern, which is generated in a light source module that includes a diffractive optical element. All apparatuses are located in the source side, which leads to one-body sensor applications. This pattern is distorted by the deflections of schlieren objects such that the displacement vectors of random dots in the pixels can be obtained using the particle image velocity algorithm. The air turbulences induced by a burning candle, boiling pot, heater, and gas torch were successfully imaged, and it was shown that imaging up to a size of 0.7 m × 0.57 m is possible. An algorithm to correct the non-uniform sensitivity according to the position of a schlieren object was analytically derived. This algorithm was applied to schlieren images of lenses. Comparing the corrected versions to the original schlieren images, we showed a corrected uniform sensitivity of 14.15 times on average.”
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