“Fabrication of photonic devices requires fast and reliable microstructuring approach. For example, efficient generation of fine 2D patterns in thin metal films is needed in plasmonic metamaterial devices. In this paper, the authors present an approach for the flexible generation of the periodic pattern using a laser beam interference patterning setup. So far, interference patterning was mostly limited to the periodic patterns of lines and dots. A variety of interference patterns can be significantly increased by controlling the polarization orientation of each interfering beam. The authors demonstrate the experimental setup for polarization control in the confocal six-beam interference configuration. Various periodic intensity patterns were generated and observed with a CCD camera using this setup. Additionally, the generated patterns were replicated in a thin metal film experimentally. Efficient and simple fabrication process and relatively high patterning flexibility suggest that interference patterning with polarization control may become an important tool in metamaterial fabrication.”
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