“High-index dielectric metasurfaces featuring Mie-type electric and magnetic resonances have been of great interest in a variety of applications such as imaging, sensing, photovoltaics, and others, which led to the necessity of an efficient large-scale fabrication technique. To address this, here we demonstrate the use of single-pulse laser interference for direct patterning of an amorphous silicon film into an array of Mie resonators a few hundred nanometers in diameter. The proposed technique is based on laser-interference-induced dewetting. A precise control of the laser pulse energy enables the fabrication of ordered dielectric metasurfaces in areas spanning tens of micrometers and consisting of thousands of hemispherical nanoparticles with a single laser shot. The fabricated nanoparticles exhibit a wavelength-dependent optical response with a strong electric dipole signature. Variation of the predeposited silicon film thickness allows tailoring of the resonances in the targeted visible and infrared spectral ranges. Such direct and high-throughput fabrication is a step toward a simple realization of spatially invariant metasurface-based devices.”
Open Access
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