“Arbitrary two-dimensional complex modulation of an optical field is a powerful tool for coherent optical systems. No single spatial light modulator (SLM) offers true arbitrary complex modulation, but they can be combined in order to achieve this. In this work, two sides of a twisted nematic (TN) liquid crystal SLM are used sequentially to implement different arbitrary modulation schemes. In order to fully explore and exploit the rich modulation behavior offered by a TN device, a generalized Jones matrix approach is used. A method for in situ characterization of the SLM inside the two-pass system is demonstrated, where each side of the SLM is independently characterized. This characterization data is then used to design appropriate polarizer configurations to implement arbitrary complex modulation schemes (albeit without 100% efficiency). Finally, an in situ optimization technique that corrects states by applying a translation in the complex plane is demonstrated. This technique can correct both for variations across the SLM and bulk changes in the SLM behavior due to the changing temperature.”
Open Access
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