Systems with engineered flatband spectra are a postulate of high-capacity transmission links and a candidate for high-temperature superconductivity. However, their operation relies on the edge or surface modes susceptible to fluctuations and fabrication errors. While the mode robustness can be enhanced by a combination of Aharonov-Bohm caging and topological insulation, the design of the corresponding flatbands requires approaches beyond the standard k-vector-based methods. Here, we propose a synthetic-flux probe as a solution to this problem and a route to the realization of ultra-stable modes. We prove the concept in a laser-fabricated graphene-like ribbon photonic lattice with the band-flattening flux induced by “P” waveguide coupling. The topological non-triviality is witnessed by an integer Zak phase derived from the mean chiral displacement. Mode stability is evidenced by excellent mode localization and the robustness to fabrication tolerances and variations of the input phase. Our results can serve as a basis for the development of multi-flat-band materials for low-energy electronics.
Open Access
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