“For complex amplitude modulation (CAM)-based three-dimensional (3D) near-eye systems, it is a challenge to realize colorful 3D display by using spatial light modulator (SLM) and grating. Here, a full-color compact 3D see-through near-eye display (NED) system by CAM is proposed. Computer generated holograms (CGHs) for different wavelengths are calculated separately. Each CGH contains two position-shifted sub-holograms and the separated distance is carefully calibrated to eliminate chromatic aberration. Colorful 3D images are synthesized through time-multiplexing. Color managements are performed and chromatic aberration of the system is analyzed to provide better colorful effect. The system structure is integrated to be compact and a prototype is implemented. Pre-compensation is added on CGHs to offset the system’s assembling errors. Optical experiment results show that the proposed system can provide good 3D full-color see-through performance without vergence-accommodation conflict (VAC). Dynamic colorful display ability is also tested, which shows good potential for interactive NED in the future.”
Open Access
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