Finding appropriate strategies to increase the robustness to turbulence with extended depth of focus (DOF) is the common requirement in developing high-resolution imaging through air or water medium. However, the conventional lens with a specially designed structure requires high manufacturing costs and is limited by the lack of dynamic modulation characteristics. Spatial light modulator (SLM), the unique flat-panel optical device, can break through the distance limitation of beam propagation for the dynamic modulation property. In this work, we address the dynamic generation of the steady optical beam (STOB) based on the mechanism of transverse wave vector elimination. STOB generated by the SLM has significant advantages over Gaussian beams for the characteristics of peak intensity, robust propagation, extended- DOF beam profile, and dynamic wavefront modulation over a long distance under strong turbulent media. Our versatile, extensible, and flexible method has promising application scenarios for the realization of turbulence-resistant circumstances.
Open Access
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