“Volumetric computer-generated diffractive optics offer advantages over planar 2D implementations, including the generation of space-variant functions and the multiplexing of information in space or frequency domains. Unfortunately, despite remarkable progress, fabrication of high volumetric space-bandwidth micro- and nanostructures is still in its infancy. Furthermore, existing 3D diffractive optics implementations are static while programmable volumetric spatial light modulators (SLMs) are still years or decades away. In order to address these shortcomings, we propose the implementation of volumetric diffractive optics equivalent functionality via cascaded planar elements. To illustrate the principle, we design 3D diffractive optics and implement a two-layer continuous phase-only design on a single SLM with a folded setup. The system provides dynamic and efficient multiplexing capability. Numerical and experimental results show this approach improves system performance such as diffraction efficiency, spatial/spectral selectivity, and number of multiplexing functions relative to 2D devices while providing dynamic large space-bandwidth relative to current static volume diffractive optics. The limitations and capabilities of dynamic 3D diffractive optics are discussed.”
Open Access
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