Authors: Khuderchuluun, Anar; Dashdavaa, Erkhembaatar; Rupali, Shindae; Kwon, Ki-Chul; Kang, Hoonjong; Lee, Kwon-Yeon & Kim, Nam
Abstract: “In this paper, color optimization of a full-color holographic stereogram printing system using a single SLM based on iterative exposure is proposed. First, an array of sub-holograms (hogels) is generated effectively within fast computergenerated integral imaging, and fully analyzed phase-modulation for red, green, and blue (RGB) channels of hogel. Then, the generated hogels are recorded into holographic material sequentially where SLM displays the R, G, and B channels of a single hogel via effectual exposure under synchronized control with three electrical shutters for RGB laser illumination to obtain verified color optimization. Numerical simulation and optical reconstructions are implemented.”
Restricted Access
Publication: Proc. SPIE
Issue/Year: Proc. SPIE 12445, Practical Holography XXXVII: Displays, Materials, and Applications, 124450A (8 March 2023)