“Benefitting from the development of commercial spatial light modulator (SLM), holographic optical tweezers (HOT) have emerged as a powerful tool for life science, material science and particle physics. The calculation of computer-generated holograms (CGH) for generating multi-focus arrays plays a key role in HOT for trapping of a bunch of particles in parallel. To realize dynamic 3D manipulation, we propose a new tilted-plane GS algorithm for fast generation of multiple foci. The multi-focal spots with a uniformity of 99% can be generated in a tilted plane. The computation time for a CGH with 512512 pixels is less than 0.1 second. _x000D_
We demonstrated the power of the algorithm by simultaneously trapping and rotating silica beads with a 77 spots array in three dimensions. The presented algorithm is expected as a powerful kernel of HOT.”
Open Access
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