“A rapid calculation method of Fresnel computer-generatedhologram (CGH) using look-up table and wavefront-recording plane (WRP) methods toward three-dimensional (3D) display is presented. The method consists of two steps: the first step is the calculation of a WRP that is placed between a 3D object and a CGH. In the second step, we obtain an amplitude-type or phase-type CGH to execute diffraction calculation from the WRP to the CGH. The first step of the previous WRP method was difficult to calculate in real-time due to the calculation cost. In this paper, in order to obtain greater acceleration, we apply a look-up table method to the first step. In addition, we use a graphics processing unit in the second step. The total computational complexity is dramatically reduced in comparison with conventional CGH calculations. We show optical reconstructions from a 2,048×2,048 phase-type CGH generated by about 3×104 object points over 10 frames per second.”
Open Access
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