Authors: Ebrahim Karimi, Gianluigi Zito, Bruno Piccirillo, Lorenzo Marrucci, and Enrico Santamato
Abstract: “We studied a novel family of paraxial laser beams forming an overcomplete yet nonorthogonal set of modes. These modes have a singular phase profile and are eigenfunctions of the photon orbital angular momentum. The intensity profile is characterized by a single brilliant ring with the singularity at its center, where the field amplitude vanishes. The complex amplitude is proportional to the degenerate (confluent) hypergeometric function, and therefore we term such beams hypergeometric-Gaussian (HyGG) modes. Unlike the recently introduced hypergeometric modes [Opt. Lett. 32, 742 (2007)], the HyGG modes carry a finite power and have been generated in this work with a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator. We briefly consider some subfamilies of the HyGG modes as the modified Bessel Gaussian modes, the modified exponential Gaussian modes, and the modified Laguerre-Gaussian modes.”
Restricted Access
Publication: Optics Letters
Issue/Year: Optics Letters, Vol. 32, Issue 21, pp. 3053-3055
Authors: Sebastian Cremaschini Sebastian Cremaschini Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “G. Galilei”, Università di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy More by Sebastian Cremaschini Orcid , Alberto Cattelan, Davide Ferraro, Daniele Filippi, Filippo Marinello, Alessio Meggiolaro, Matteo Pierno, Cinzia Sada, Annamaria Zaltron*, Paolo Umari*, and Giampaolo Mistura
Trifurcated Splitting of Water Droplets on Engineered Lithium Niobate Surfaces