“The chromatic behavior of diffractive optical elements, exhibiting 2π-wrapped phase profiles, implemented into liquid crystal spatial light modulators (LC-SLM) is described. A wrapped phase map is only equivalent to the original continuous profile for the design wavelength while at other wavelengths there are unwanted phase jumps and the profile does not correspond to a pure defocus. For those conditions the wrapped profile behaves as a multiple order lens (multi-focal lens). The optical power dispersion for each order is linearly proportional to the wavelength, while the energy of each order depends on the design wavelength and the material dispersion. For practical purposes, for most of the visible range only first order (main defocus) is relevant but two other orders may also be considered depending on the actual PSF of the system. As an application, we demonstrate that the longitudinal chromatic aberration of the eye can be compensated by the diffractive lens dispersion when the appropriate defocus is programmed into the SLM.”
Open Access
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