An important aspect of the project is the development of a highly reliable LCOS package with similar or lower manufacturing costs compared to standard packages. The particular challenge is to ensure minimal curvature the cell throughout the entire manufacturing process. Optimizing the thermal conductivity of the materials is a way to increase the performance of the package.
In this project, HOLOEYE develops two new, high-performance LCOS SLMS:
These new SLMs are characterized by a high reflectivity and a high photostability, allowing for higher Laser Induced Damage Thershold (LIDT). These performance are achieved through the use of carefully chosen LC materials and the development of new high-reflectivity Dichroic Mirror Coatings for the SMOC backplane.
HOLOEYE Photonics AG
Volmerstrasse 1
12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 4036 9380
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